USA (MNN) — "Bibles," said Fred Palmerton of Christian Resources International. That is the most-requested piece of Christian literature they get.
Operation Bare Your Bookshelf still gets hundreds of requests for literature each month. "Our goal is to meet 100 percent of requests that come in," said Palmerton.
In America, it is estimated that there is an average of nine Bibles per household. Usually there is only one being used at a given time. Add to that other Christian literature, and it's a large number. Interestingly, it is not the economic difference between America and other countries that causes the need for Americans to donate their extra Bibles. Palmerton explained: "For many of these people, it wouldn't matter if they had the money. They still wouldn't have the Bible available. There's just no Bibles at their disposal. There's no bookstore around the corner. There's no other Christian to turn to."
Palmerton said that pastors overseas often use a single Bible for several congregations that they
serve. Even with all the Bibles in America, people are actively looking for more. So when the pile of Bibles grows on Americans' book shelves, they can be directly sent overseas to help congregations that may grow spiritually and in numbers, as a result of having their own Bible.
For anyone who wants to donate,
CRI will send the necessary labels for getting Christian literature to CRI. Bibles can be sent directly to an individual overseas. Though your address will not be the return address, CRI will forward any thank-you's they receive from the people who receive your Bible. "For a few dollars out of their household budget, they are able to meet two needs: the needs that we have to ship great quantities of books, as well as those needs of the individuals from overseas who do not have their own Bible," said Palmerton.
To donate or learn more, go here.