Ethiopia (MNN) — In years past, Ethiopia has been hard-hit by famine and drought, but a spiritual famine is being addressed by the national church and Americans working side-by-side.
President of Global Missions Fellowship Dan Hitzhusen says a denomination in Ethiopia is taking a hands-on approach to church planting and Global Missions Fellowship is helping. “Simply by training and equipping their national leaders, 200 of them, to go out and train 30 of their churches each to start one new church over the next year, using the EvangeCube and some church planting material that we’ve given them.”
Americans are also helping with the Ethiopians’ desire to reach Ethiopian Muslims with the Gospel. Hitzhusen says, “We’ve seen American teams be used to be able to going into the Muslim villages where normally the Christians are beaten up and kicked out. The nationals kind of look at it like they’re the fishermen and we’re the bait on the hook and they use us as door openers.”
The need for more workers is great, Hitzhusen says, “The Great Commission is to go. And, as an organization Global Mission Fellowship makes it easy. You can go and you can be the difference in the lives of people who would never hear the name of Jesus once.”
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