Iran (ACLJ/MNN) — The latest reports from both Fox News and the American Center for Law and Justice indicate that Pastor Saeed Abedini is in real trouble.
The 32-year-old Christian and American citizen is imprisoned for his faith in Iran, serving an eight-year prison term in the country's notorious Evin prison. According the ACLJ reports, after a "peaceful, silent protest" in an outside courtyard of the prison, officials placed Abedini in solitary confinement.
Fox News is reporting Abedini's health is worsening as a result of continued beatings and torture. Alarmed family members fear he may also be suffering organ failure. Conditions at the prison prompted Abedini and other prisoners to sign a petition decrying the lack of medical care and the threats and harsh treatment facing family members who come to visit.
Abedini was arrested in 2005 but released after pledging never to evangelize in Iran again. However, Abedini returned to Iran last summer to help build an orphanage, and he was arrested. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison for organizing house churches, but is waiting on deliberations from the Court of Appeals.
Although Abedini is married to an American, the Iranian government does not recognize his American citizenship.
Today marks the 217th day of his imprisonment. Pastor Saeed turns 33 on May 7th. If you would like to send encouragement, you can write a letter.
Iran ranks 8th on the Open Doors World Watch list, a compilation of the top 50 countries around the world known for their persecution of Christians. Evangelism, Bible training, and publishing Scriptures in Farsi are illegal.