USA (MNN) — The man responsible for putting and end to the
slave trade in the British Empire 200 years ago, will be remembered on Film. "Amazing Grace" will be in theaters
across the United States and Christians are getting behind the film.
The World Evangelical Alliance is just one such
organization. WEA's Geoff Tunicliffe tells us about the film. "It tells
really the story of William Wilberforce who was a British parliamentarian 200
years ago. He was a very committed evangelical Christian who was very much
involved in bringing and end to the slave trade in the British Empire."
Tunicliffe is hoping the film does more than that. "I
think it's a profound film of how Christians can engage in the issues of the
day and make a profound difference. It show evangelical Christians were at the
forefront of the social reformation of their society."
While the film is showing the life of a man who had an
impact on society, Tunnicliffe thinks there's an underlying message. "What
the film is showing that as a Christian you can be actively involved with the
issues of the day and making a profound difference in the lives of suffering
There's a reason the WEA is getting behind the film.
"We're today that Christians really do need to be actively involved in making
a difference in the world. We're dealing with the issues of slavery today,
whether through the sex trade industry or children being forced into labor,
poverty — those are the things that as evangelical Christians we're called to
engage in and make a difference in."
WEA is not only encouraging people to see the film, but also
is encouraging churches to take advantage of their resources. "(We're
providing) Sermons from Christian leaders from around the world and other
resources to help guide them through. (We have) some Bible study guides and
providing ways people can become actively involved."
The film premieres February 23 in the U-S.