International (MNN) — In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to spread His story around the world. Millions of people today have not yet heard the news.
But many North American churches don’t talk much about this. Steve Johnson, executive director of the Alliance for the Unreached, says, “I think one of the things that happened goes back to the tragic events of 9/11. I think even subconsciously within the Church, we began to view the unreached as the enemy, as the bad people.”
“But ultimately, the unreached are people that need Jesus. That’s what’s going to change their hearts.”
Other churches have become entangled in local culture wars, seeing their neighbors as enemies.
Johnson says believers need to renew a global perspective about their faith. “When you think about the Third of Us campaign, that really is a staggering number, to think that a third of the world’s population hasn’t yet heard the Gospel.”
Johnson says this can change if everyone plays a role. “Some are supposed to go, some are supposed to send, some are supposed to give, some are supposed to pray. But everybody has a role.”
The Alliance exists to move people from understanding the issue to being passionate about it and getting involved.
Want to get involved?
First, pray about what your role might be. Johnson says, “Lord, I believe that as a follower of Christ, I have a role to play in the Great Commission. What is that role? And then listen very intently. The Lord will answer that prayer because he desires that we reach the world.”
Next, connect with the Alliance for the Unreached. Join the Third of Us campaign, and participate in the International Day for the Unreached on May 28, 2023.
The header photo shows people with the Third of Us mark, symbolizing the roughly one-third of humanity that has never heard the story of Jesus. (Photo courtesy of A Third of Us on Facebook)