Guatemala (MNN) — A steady stream
of construction team members is assembling on the
Paradise Bound base in Guatemala.
The team of 26 carried
in much-needed supplies for the ministry's clinics and construction projects
this week. Right now, the mission base
is swarming with people who can make changes to the existing mission base, like
welders, electricians, plumbers, and general
laborers. They're prepping the facility for the framing team coming in
at the end of the week. The hope is to
be ready for a dry wall team in May.
Together they'll be
physically expanding the mission base, but on February 19th, they'll also
conduct a remote, mobile Medical Clinic Outreach. Through it,
the team will be involved in Kingdom Building, too.
Late last
month, a container arrived in Chimaltenango with goods for the Open
Doors Orphanage and the PBM mission base. There is a complete playground ready for assembly, along with construction materials for the Mission Base Construction
projects this year. While that's good
news, the more sobering side is that the ministry needs help to defray over $5000 in ocean freight
and import costs.
Paradise Bound programs help make
a positive, sustainable impact in the material and spiritual needs of
Guatemalan children and families. Ministry teams concentrate on meeting the
needs of children, families, and villages for basic sustenance, medical care,
and Christian ministry.
For example, aside from housing
construction, teams are often involved with things like Mobile Medical Clinics
and Outreaches, bringing healing where often there is little hope. Teams see hundreds of patients during each outreach.
At each one, the Gospel is shared
through building relationships, food distribution, medical care, the JESUS Film
DVD, preaching of God's Word, and eventually an invitation to accept Jesus
Christ as personal Savior and Lord. Bibles or New Testaments are given to those
who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ each evening.
Pray for God to guide the team's efforts throughout this
demanding month.