Chad (MNN) — On average, women in Chad have five kids each and face high infectious disease risks. The nation has the ninth highest infant mortality rate in the world, and women who do survive aren't expected to live past age 50.
At the same time, despite almost a quarter of the country proclaiming Christ as Lord, the Joshua Project reports that only about one out of ten people are actually evangelical believers in Christ's Name.
Africa Inland Mission worker Naomi Duff reaches out to vulnerable and exploited women in this troubled African nation. Duff has been able to build strong relationships with about 20 young, struggling women around her in Chad. Her outreach to them includes bringing them or their children to the hospital, helping women seek employment, and hosting parties and outreach events.
Duff says women consistently ask for her to pray for and share the Bible with them.
While hosting outreach parties recently, Duff was able to treat some of these women with nourishing food. Soon she hopes to share the movie, "Mary Magdalene: Delivered from Shame" — produced by the Jesus Film Project — with these very same women, that they might realize once and for all that Jesus is their Redeemer.
AIM has asked you to pray for Duff as she seeks to share the love of Jesus with these women. Pray also that God would call others to join her in this difficult ministry.
Ideally, Duff would like to open a center where vulnerable women could receive counseling, prayer, Bible study, sexual health education, vocational training, and more. In order to do that, though, she needs more hands on deck.
One worker is needed to visit women in their homes, building relationships, listening, sharing the Gospel, praying with them, and helping to organize outreach and support events for the women. Another worker is needed as an administrator who can get the center up and running, deal with finances relating to rent, payment of personnel, and more.
If you are interested or know of anyone who might be interested in these positions, contact AIM today. In the meantime, keep praying for more workers, that God's love might be shared with as many Chadian women as possible.