Strip (MNN) — More bombs and mortar rounds have been exchanged at the
Gaza Strip border.
also continues within the country, as Hamas and Fatah struggle for control and
the right to "save" the Gaza Strip from the devastation of war. In the meantime, Partners International is
helping needy families.
4,000 homes have been destroyed, and over 38,000 have been damaged. Some live in homes with large holes in the
walls or broken windows — inadequate shelter for families with children. On a regular basis, even more families are
most of the region's infrastructure — such as sanitation, electricity,
and water — is gone, many live in fear of disease. Others face unemployment and a lack of access
to medical care or education. Cars were
also destroyed in the violence.
a thousand people died in the conflict, and over 5,000 received injuries, so a
lot of people are mourning the loss of family members. Christian families face all of the same
losses and hardships that other residents face.
a local ministry, Partners has been distributing packages of food to Christian
families and Muslim families. You can
support the ministry, and pray for the church as it continues to bear witness
for the Gospel under difficult circumstances.