Africa (MNN) – The Gospel is going out across Africa with the help of local partners of World Missionary Press (WMP). Helen Williams met many of these ministry leaders at a recent gathering in Ethiopia with Every Home For Christ. For some, it was the first time she had met them in person after

At 10 pounds per box this person is carrying 70 pounds on their head. It’s also 3,500 Scripture booklets that will be shared in villages in Burundi.
partnering with them long-distance.
This year the gathering invited wives of leaders and national directors to attend and be encouraged. The wives often are crucial to the work and already involved with planning, scheduling, managing paperwork, and discipleship. Many also care for the family at home while their husbands travel to places that have not yet heard the Gospel. In the past few years, Every Home For Christ has been including wives of leaders in more ways, such as praying together.
Williams says, “It was exciting, invigorating. These people are just committed. And these are the people that World Missionary Press serves. We print these booklets not to sit on our shelves and not just to dump somewhere. But because there are those waiting with plans, and energy and teams to use the literature.”
Much of the Gospel outreach focuses on children and youth because Africa has the youngest population than any other continent. In South Africa, for example, children receive a coloring book by WMP that introduces them to the Gospel. In Uganda, where 45 percent of the population is younger than 15 years old, Gospel workers are currently distributing throughout the country a shipment of Scripture booklets received earlier this year. Williams says,
“There are young people in these countries that are going to come up and be in leadership in these countries. And they need to be reached. Now.”

Brother Gerome K., a 19-year-old Muslim, testified that he received salvation through reading a Scripture portion saying that “Christ is God.”. He joined a local church after receiving Jesus’ Love.
WMP is currently preparing to send shipments of over 40 million Scripture booklets for African countries. The ministry recently completed a campaign called the Founder’s Challenge, raising over $300,000 to send Gospel literature to Africa. So far, the funds have provided for shipments to Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Ethiopia. Each 40-foot shipping container can hold approximately two million pieces of literature.
“We have a shipment going to Nigeria, and I was told by our coordinator, as soon as he gets it, he’s got people waiting for it,” says Williams.
She asks believers to pray for the Nigerian Christians sharing the Gospel in areas at high risk of terrorism. Pray also for the ministry to have the staff and resources needed to continue supporting Gospel workers worldwide. Williams says,
“We are so grateful for all of those who pray and all of those who give so that we can provide for those who are willing to go.”
Learn more about the work and history of WMP at the 62nd anniversary celebration hosted in Nappanee, Indiana, and via livestream on October 28.
Interested in joining WMP? The ministry has several opportunities to work or volunteer.
Photos and captions courtesy of World Missionary Press.