Libya (VOM) — [Editor’s Note: This Voice of the Martyrs story sheds light on one of the 21 Coptic Christians executed by ISIS in February, who was unknown for a time period.]
Following the martyrdom of Coptic Christian men by Libyan Islamic State (IS) militants in February 2015, the names of 21 of the martyrs were widely shared. The martyrs were kidnapped from Sirte, Libya, where they were working.
Initially, it was believed that all of the men killed for their faith were from small villages in Egypt. However, the name and background of one of those killed, a black man, was unknown. Mathew Ayairga was soon identified by friends after being recognized in video footage of the killings released by IS. According to Ahram-Canadian News, Mathew was from Chad. Mathew had gone missing in January 2015, captured by one of the radical groups in Libya who have kidnapped hundreds, both Muslim and Christian.
The video made public on Feb. 15 shows each of the men dressed in orange jumpsuits, kneeling on a beach, with their black-clothed attackers standing behind them. Each one is systematically beheaded, and the video clearly shows many of the men praying “Lord Jesus Christ” in their final moments.
According to reports, Mathew Ayairga was not a Christian. However, when moments before his death the IS extremists demanded that he follow Islam, Mathew turned them down. After reportedly witnessing the “immense faith” of the Egyptian believers, he decided to become a follower of Christ.
On camera, one of the terrorists asked Matthew, “Do you reject Christ?”
“Their God is my God,” he responded, and he became one of the 21 men laying down their lives for their faith in Christ.
The Names of the 21 Martyrs:
1. Milad Makeen Zaky
2. Abanub Ayad Atiya
3. Maged Soliman Shehata
4. Youssef Shukry Younan
5. Kirollos Boshra Fawzy
6. Bishoy Astafanous Kamel
7. Samuel Astafanous Kamel
8. Malak Ibrahim Sinyout
9. Tawadros Youssef Tawadros
10. Gerges Milad Sinyout
11. Mina Fayez Aziz
12. Hany Abdel Mesih Salib
13. Samuel Alham Wilson
14. Ezzat Boshra Naseef
15. Luka Nagaty Anis
16. Gaber Mounir Adly
17. Esam Badir Samir
18. Malak Farag Abrahim
19. Sameh Salah Farouk
20. Gerges Samir Megally
21. Mathew Ayairga
Sources: VOM sources, Bombay Orthodox Diocese, Diocese of Los Angeles Coptic Orthodox
PRAISE GOD for Mathew Ayairga and the 20 others whose faith led Mathew to his declaration of Faith!
So thankful this is finally being recognized.
Thought I was alone praying night and day
for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Praise God! Jesus Christ is Lord! Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord!
Praise God. They will be rewarded in heaven for dying for Christ. Those that killed them will be rewarded in hell for their evil acts.
These brave men are done suffering, they are enjoying heaven right now. Sad that they had to leave in such an ugly and gruesome way. We need to pray for their loved ones who were left behind.
These satanic ISIS better enjoy their killing spree because eternal hell has a place prepared for them. There will not be 72 virgins as they think but rather 72 demons to torment them forever.
Oh, I can’t WAIT to talk to this guy.
Their brave witness is an inspiration to me. I will pray for their families .
May the Lord Jesus be the one to judge their killers and those persecutors of Christ. May the families of the victims of these senseless killings draw strength from the Love and supernatural grace from our loving God and Messiah, Jesus Christ. May they know that their beloved are with The Lord.
Just letting you know am praying for gods christians.praying interserry prayer.
Praying Gods light shines over t he middle east and that every knee will bow and everyone will confess that jesus christ is lord
These men are Martyrs for Christ and His Holy Orthodox Church☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦☦
Glory to God Forever!
May you rest in peace and joy with your Savior Jesus Christ.