Russia (MNN) — Most orphans are adopted into a family as infants. But what becomes of the orphans who are not so fortunate to be adopted? What happens to those who begin to fall through the cracks of the system?
It's no secret that Russian orphans who do not have a forever family almost always struggle in adulthood. According to Buckner International, kids who go through the entire system and leave the orphanage at age 17 often end up involved in drugs, prostitution, and crime right away. Estimates show that almost 10 percent of these orphans commit suicide within the first three years after leaving an orphanage.
God makes it clear in His Word that He wants His people to take care of orphans. And Buckner believes this means orphans of all ages. Currently there is an extreme need for families to adopt older orphans, and Buckner is asking you to consider it.
Older orphan boys from Russia are the most desperate for homes right now. For whatever reason, boys are less likely to be adopted in general than girls, and this is especially the case as they get older. But it is no less imperative for these boys to find homes than it is for girls.
Tiffany Wilkins whose family adopted a 10-year-old boy from Russia four years ago puts it this way: "If I was drowning, I would hope someone would throw me a life preserver. Most of the boys that are not adopted will ‘drown.' They will drown in a sea of insecurity that leads to sins of organized crime, alcoholism, drug abuse. Why would someone let them drown?"
Wilkins and her family have made a Christ-centered sacrifice to save a boy from "drowning." Their new son will now have the chance to get to know the Lord and to live with a family who loves him as well as the Father.
If you or anyone you know is ready to make a life-changing sacrifice like this, please contact Buckner today at their Web site or via phone at 1-866-236-7823. The need is great, but God is greater. Pray for the Lord to guide you in this decision and process, and to give you the strength you need to persevere.