Moldova (MNN) — A call for action against Moldova's
election results tapped into a deep vein of discontent among youth.
Sergey Rakhuba with Russian Ministries says, "Communists
took an easy victory in the last election, but people are fed up–especially
young people who disagreed with it."
Dubbed the Twitter revolution, young people utilized Twitter, Facebook and SMS text
messaging to spread the word about protesting the election results. Hundreds of anti-Communist demonstrators responded
by gathering in Moldova's capital and storming the country's parliament.
The digital tools that drew thousands of protesters and
rioters to Moldova's capital became the next scapegoat. To the Communists in
power, it's a threat from the West. It's
not a long leap to see where that could go.
Rakhuba says, "If President Voronin stays in power, it means there will be lots
of pressure on Western mission groups and the groups that have closes ties with
Western churches."
Already, Moldova's president Vladimir Voronin is moving to
gain control over the situation. He has already expelled Romania's
ambassador and introduced a new visa regime for Romanians.
Although it's speculation, there's cause for prayer. Rakhuba says their ministries in the country
will continue as long as it's possible to keep them funded. However, a return to Communism means "they want to control. It means they will
cut communications from the Western community, and they will
clean up their territory by squeezing out all evangelical missionaries (and)
mission groups."