Papua New Guinea (MNN)–Papua New Guinea (PNG) is home to over 850 languages and one of the most diverse indigenous populations in the world.
For those driven by a desire to decode language and explain the intricacies of Scripture, the country provides a tanatalizing view into the future church.
Wycliffe Bible Translators has a Discovery team in Papua New Guinea for the next four weeks.
The team left June 3rd and will return home August 8. The 20-man team will help with different hands-on aspects of Bible translation and literacy work, including support work in the area.
Half the group will get the opportunity to experience different aspects of Bible translation and literacy work. This includes opportunities in a village setting and on our missions center of Ukarumpa. A village stay consists of living with missionaries and experiencing village life while observing their work and serving where needed (i.e.– keyboarding data, making literacy materials, etc. Also meal prep, washing dishes & clothes, etc.)
Other activities may include assisting translators/literacy teams currently working at Ukarumpa, participating in workshops, showing the Jesus film, weekend visits to local villages, etc.
Because this focus is specifically designed for people who are interested in language work, it applies to Scripture translation.
Pray that during this trip many will see how their talents fit into the work of Bible translation and literacy and that many will join in the task.