Zambia (MNN)–IN Network Zambia is working to resource pastors.
A shipment of 1200 books and 500 tapes, donated from Christian Salvage Ministries-Canada arrived for distribution at the Ndola Ministers’ Fellowship.
When the truck arrived, the first to help were some young boys. The boys were found playing soccer at the church ground where the books were to be stored before distribution.
After off-loading, IN Network’s Reverend Thomas Lumba asked them what they wanted as payment for their help. According to Lumba’s account, they all wanted a Bible. Except for two, for the rest it was their first Bible they had ever owned.
As a result of this outreach, six of gave their lives to Christ. The seed was planted into the lives of these youngsters through the CSM gifts.
IN Zambia’s plans are to continue training and sending out fully-equipped young Christian men and women throughout Zambia and into the surrounding nations for the planting and leading of churches.