Mozambique (MNN) — Audio Scripture Ministries'
Tom Dudenhofer says they're partnering with missionaries and a
national Bible College
in Mozambique
to help build a recording studio that will help with future evangelistic work.
"The recording studio was designed to assist the students to record
some of their own music, teaching and our interest was in providing them with
the means to record Scripture as it's being translated in the area."
Dudenhofer says they're
sending a team next week to broaden the training of believers. ASM is training a technical team who can
record more Scriptures, Bible stories, and other tools that can be used by the
Bible school graduates.
The level of excitement this
has generated is pushing Christians into action. "The national Christians have already
begun to record one of the tribal languages in the area. That also is in the
test stage, testing both the process of the recording and then how it's
received and accepted by the people in the area."
Already, two New Testament
books have been recorded in Xai Xai,
After a discouraging beginning, which involved hurricane wind damage to the new
studio, repairs were made the recording engineer managed to complete one
project. Praise God for these new recordings and ask God to bless the
continued distribution.