International (MNN) — Tom
Dudenhofer with Audio Scripture Ministries says their recording team stumbled on a new avenue for outreach in
West Africa. "About six months ago,
we received a request to do a recording of the Hausa Old Testament Scriptures.
Upon a little investigation, we began to realize that very few Old Testament
audio recordings have been made around the world."
The lack of Old Testament recordings for an oral culture was
a gap in the ministry window. Bible scholars
say the Bible is a progressive revelation. The New Testament is fully understood in the
context of the events, characters, laws, sacrificial system, covenants, and
promises of the Old Testament (OT).
For believers who are being discipled, their desire to have
the Old Testament in audio is a natural second step. Dudenhofer explains, "People who have
heard the Gospels and who have heard about Jesus Christ are wanting to grow.
It's a natural result of them beginning to understand that the message that's
in the New Testament is built on a tremendous foundation."
It's a key part of the picture of Jesus Christ that's
missing in a culture where literacy is low. In many of these areas, messages are verbally
transmitted in speech or song. Often,
the history of the people is passed on through folktales, sayings, ballads,
songs, or chants.
In this way, it is possible for a society to transmit their
history and law without being able to read or write. As the realization of the possibilities grew,
so too did the interest.
Dudenhofer says since that first Hausa request, they've had
another from Africa and one from India. Keep praying for the doors to open.
It's an exciting time. "Our
first Hausa recording of the Old Testament will begin very shortly, and the
others are primarily waiting for both funding and permissions."