International (MNN)–The latest Barna Research report, commissioned by Compassion International, indicates that young people in the U-S want to make a difference.
Compassion International’s Dave Dahlin explains, “One of the very interesting things that we found is that this young adult generation the 18 to 25 year old types are actually the most optimistic about their ability to have a positive impact on affecting world poverty.”
The poll also showed an increase in giving to the poor in 2005. A number spike like this may be attributed to the unusual amount of natural disasters that struck during 2005.
The resolution of the data shows that young people are more likely than older generations to say that poverty in other countries can be addressed with the help of individuals in America (50 percent). The percentage falls as the groups get older.
Dahlin says the emerging trend is encouraging for nurturing future ministry. “They’re actually our strongest group that’s believing they can make a difference.”
Dahlin goes on further to say that with such optimism, they’re making plans to connect these people to ministry. “What we want to do is to really capture this generation and help them understand that although they may not be able to change everything on a global scale, they can make a huge impact individually and by getting involved in outreach on an individual level, they can make a difference.”
One way to make a difference in the life of a child is through chld sponsorship, which Compassion specializes in. Through a sponsorship, children around the world get regular Christian training, education, medical help, development of self-confidence & social skills and vocational training.
Such skills are critical toward breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence…but none so much as breaking the cycle of spiritual neediness. If you’d like to help, contact Compassion International.