Brazil (MNN) — Missionary radio is being used not only to share the Gospel but also to teach English. Brazil is the latest to receive a program that's not your typical radio broadcast.
Trans World Radio's David McCreary says they just started airing Dr. Michael Youssef's "Leading the Way" broadcast. "It's a unique program. [It's] a dual language — English/Portuguese — broadcast that potentially reaches up to 170-million listeners through a network of AM, FM and short-wave broadcasts [aired] over the weekend."
The program began airing in the country last month. McCreary says it's a program that attracts Christians and non-Christians alike. "It's a great way to hear the Word of God but also to learn English because [it's a line-by-line translation]. He'll do a line of English and then a line of Portuguese. So it's a really unique type of program."
TWR airs other programs from "Leading the Way." "We do their Arabic/English program and several of their other languages around the world. This is basically translated phrase by phrase into about 20 languages reaching 115 countries around the world."
According to McCreary, listeners are responding. "We get the letters that say, 'I want to know more about Christ. Can you send me a Bible? Can you answer these questions that I have?' And so these programs open up great opportunities for us to follow up with listeners around the world."
While Brazil has had the Gospel for many years, some people have yet to hear the Gospel. McCreary says, "We're blanketing the area of Brazil, not just reaching into the urban areas, but out into the tribal areas as well. So, we're excited about this opportunity and look forward to what God's going to do through this unique partnership."