Egypt (MNN) – After a 21-year-old Coptic Christian in Farshoot, Egypt was accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old Muslim girl, chaos broke loose. Last week a mob of nearly 3000 Muslims attacked police and Copts, planning to kidnap the man they claimed to be responsible for the assault.
Throughout the calamity, wooden crosses were burned, innocent victims were severely injured, and seven Coptic women were abducted. The Assyrian International News Agency says it seems evident that attacks were preplanned, and police did little to stop it. Not a single arrest was made.
There is little evidence that the Copt accused of the assault which started the chaos even committed the crime. Sources say the girl in question only remembered that her attacker was wearing black. No trial had been conducted to decide a verdict.
In the meantime, no international voices have cut in. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that a few U.S. congress representatives recently questioned the United States' position toward Egypt's human rights policies, but the issue appears unresolved. The United States has provided billions of dollars in military and economic aid for Egypt, despite their lax position toward religious freedom.
ICC Regional Manager of the Middle East Aiden Clay says the U.S. has a responsibility to be a light to other countries for democracy, human rights and religious freedom. He suggests the country do this by "applying human rights sanctions on U.S. assistance to Egypt," nominating a Religious Freedom Ambassador, and affirming human rights "as a core objective of U.S. foreign policy."
Prayer is needed for the Christians being persecuted in Farshoot. Pray that other powerful nations would step in and pressure Egypt to enforce religious freedom and human rights. Pray for victims of the recent attacks to stand firm and continue to share their faith, even amid persecution.