International (MNN)–CB International is changing its face to fit a changing vision.
On June 11th, they’re changing the name to WorldVenture, a name that conveys purpose, and underscores the international partnerships. It also conveys the scope of their work, and their excitement of the Great Commission purpose.
Teams do a lot of things at CB International, but the end result is the growth of healthy, reproducing New Testament churches–churches that will make a difference in the world in which they are planted.
To help convey the passion and mission to others, CB International launched a website. But a new name means a redesigned website that’ll launch the same time at WorldVenture.com. Through it, people can catch their passion for evangelism, church planting, leadership training and compassion ministries.
CB International praises God for people taking part in their work that continues in more than 60 areas of the world. Pray as they continue to develop and seek out dynamic partnerships that transform lives.