Russia (MNN)–Slavic Gospel Association sponsors Strategic Bible Institutes or SBIs in locations chosen by the indigenous Russian church leadership.
Teams of pastors cooperate to fill a year-long teaching schedule to help a growing church train leaders to reach their region for Christ.
In situations where a developing mother church has a group of 15-25 faithful disciples ready to be trained for church planting ministries, SGA partners provide the necessary support and SGA partner churches send their pastors to conduct two-week intensive courses that make up a 32-week Bible institute curriculum.
The SBI program is just one of many ways in which SGA partners are helping evangelical churches across the CIS address the need for trained, qualified church planters, pastors, and church workers.
Pray for this important training ministry, asking the Lord to provide resources and teachers, as well as His direction in sponsoring future SBIs. SGA also runs a seminary program and as well as other ongoing Bible institutes.