Philippines (MNN) — FARMS International
is excited about the growth from their newest program in the Philippines.
The ministry has a quarter century of
experience helping both families and churches there. The first volunteer-run program was
established in northern Luzon as a result of a church-planting effort. From it,
a dramatic change came as families began to rise above poverty.
The news of the success of this
program spread throughout the Philippines and resulted in opportunities for two
other FARMS programs. The growth came as
those involved in the initial project trained new program committees in other
partnering with Christian Life Center Church of Tinley Park, Illinois. Pastor
McQuay has served as a missionary to the Philippines, and his church has
partnered with Christian Life Center Church in Davao, Mindanao for the past 15
They believe that the FARMS program
will dovetail perfectly with the vision of this fast-growing church. The goal is to help those in need and to
provide a practical platform to teach practical stewardship.
Davao City is located in the Southern
Philippine province of Mindanao. It is an area that has been a challenge for
the Gospel over the years because of radical religious elements.
FARMS is pleased to help start a
program in this area because Christian Life Center Church has been so instrumental in reaching the area for Christ. As with all new growth, there are specific
challenges, too. Pray for wisdom for ministry leaders as they work with the new