Brazil (MNN) — A Grace Ministries International team, Ken and
Mary Mueller, is in Brazil this month nearing the completion of a commentary on
Acts written in Portuguese.
The Muellers served as missionaries to Brazil from 1960
to 1996. Much of their work involved administrating and teaching at the Bible Institute they founded. But in the course of the
educational direction their ministry took, they saw the need for more literature
written in Portuguese. So 12 years ago, the couple returned to the
United States to write dispensational literature in Portuguese.
GMI's Sam Vinton says that while Brazil has had plenty of
exposure to the Gospel, this was more a heart-language issue that needed
addressing. It was especially important
for pastoral tools and church planters. "Spanish has a lot of translation from
English that is being done because that's the larger population. There's more
literature available in Spanish by far than in Portuguese. There was a need for
just having something very basic."
It's the second volume of the ACTS Commentary series. It's also at the forefront of the team's
ministry effort to bring study tools in the common language of Brazil. Field testing will wrap up May 20. "They give it to people, get comments,
have people read it out loud, just trying to get the language flow. Is it really Portuguese that fits their
culture–the way they speak, the idioms, and so on? And of course, they'll be teaching and
working with some pastors."
Please pray for the Mueller's six-week ministry trip to