South Africa (BGR/MNN) — Earlier this year, Baptist Global Response re-launched the "The Bucket Project: Hospice Kits." Formerly called "In-Home Care Kits," the initial goal was to collect 10,000 buckets of hospice care items in 2013 from churches and individuals across the United States.
The "love bucket" — a 5-gallon plastic bucket with a lid and wire handle — contains a variety of items designed to assist the dying, including multi-vitamins, soap, lip balm, toothpaste, towels, and mattress pads. A complete kit costs about $100, and donors can purchase buckets and individual items at local discount stores.
The buckets also create opportunity for relationships as BGR partners provide physical comfort to dying people. Often, this turns into an opening to share about the hope found in Christ. Sometimes it happens immediately, and sometimes it takes time. Partners connected with BGR deliver the supplies. It's a simple way to support those who are ordinarily rejected by society.
Let's run the numbers. Charles Cole, Director of Missions in the FIRM Area of Central Texas suggests that if each of the 87 churches in the FIRM Area pledges to do at least one bucket a month for 2013, that would mean 1,044 people would have a contact with the Gospel through BGR. 1044 divided by 700 (the approximate number of buckets in a 20-foot shipping container) equals about 1 and 1/2 containers. That's just one region in the United States. Bite-sizing the task may encourage other people to get involved, too.
The best way to participate in The Bucket Project is to purchase the supplies, pack the bucket, and pray for those who will be receiving them.
The Bucket Project gives believers of all ages an opportunity to DO SOMETHING! Packing a bucket gives you a hands-on way to make a difference in at least one person's life – maybe more. Right now, 200 people have gotten involved. What can you do?