India (MNN) — There's a saying that goes, "Great leaders are made, not
born." But for one ministry, being born again comes first. We spoke with "Ron," a Senior Director at Grand
Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India.
There is a kind of "chicken and egg" question to how the ministry grows. Mission India does Children's Bible
Clubs, adult literacy classes and church planter training. Church planters are often the ones laying the
groundwork for the Bible clubs; but first, the trainer has to learn to read.
Each phase of ministry depends upon the other. However, for the sake of discussion, we'll
begin with the children. Mission India
says kids are most responsive to the Gospel between the ages of 4 and 14 years
old: the 4/14 Window.
In the Bible Clubs, a mobile team comes to train new Bible Club
teachers. Mission India provides
training and materials to partners who are introducing Children's Bible Clubs
in their communities.
It's through their
Children's Bible Clubs that they reach kids with the Gospel. In the clubs, children learn new songs
and enjoy skits and games. They also
listen to Bible stories, memorize Scripture, learn to pray to Jesus and
discover a loving Savior. Ron
says, "The goal of the Bible Clubs is to help kids come to know about
Jesus, but to do it in a way that honors their family."
Ron explains: "Many of the teachers that are leading these
Children's Bible Clubs are themselves, teenagers," which generates a lot
of help for the local church. He adds
that, in its own way, "It
becomes a leadership factory."
Mission India says
that new churches often grow out of Children's Bible Clubs. That's where Mission India's other programs
help ground church leaders. Between church planter training and the adult
literacy clubs, many thousands are introduced to Christ.
Church planters complete two years of combined classroom
training and supervised fieldwork. During this time, they share the Gospel and
establish new worship communities.
Growth requires prayer,
resources and funding. "A club for about 40 kids costs only
$40. They go for two weeks during the time kids are off school in the
summer. Because the clubs are led by the local churches, those churches follow
up and develop relationships with the children and the parents."
There are great reasons to get involved right now. Until the end of April, there is a $200,000 Heart
for India Matching Challenge Fund. That means for every dollar donated for Children's Bible Clubs, a donor has committed to match it, effectively
doubling donations. Click here to learn more.