Latin America (MNN)–Compassion International and International Bible Society have launched a four-year children’s Bible-reading initiative.
It’s called Aventuras biblicas. The goal is to present God’s Word to children in Compassion’s sponsorship programs in ten Latin American countries.
“Children participating in Compassion’s program,” says IBS President Peter Bradley, “will now be able to learn the Bible’s story of God’s continuing love and share it with their families.”
It’s a monthly reader packed with Bible stories and study aids that include questions, activities, and games.
And the reason for the launch? Dr. Wess Stafford, President and CEO of Compassion International, explains what it’s about, “Equipping children at a young age with an understanding of the Bible is an excellent foundational step in nurturing their relationship with God.”
More than 100,000 children between the ages of five and seven years old will participate. The readers are generally used in classroom settings, with leaders from Compassion’s church partners facilitating the lessons.