International (WYC/MNN) — Bible
translators have seen a lot of changes over the last half century as
technologies have developed.
In this day and age, translation
teams are not only tasked with providing a written Bible in a heart language,
but they are also encouraged to develop a media plan.
Wycliffe Bible Translators say it's
one way teams are reaching out to oral societies which make up a vast majority
of the world's people groups that do not have Bibles in their own tongues. That's
why, in many translation programs, Scripture is being made available in
audio and visual forms.
One of
Wycliffe's primary partners, SIL International, provides a variety vernacular
media training and certification for personnel. Being trained in the vernacular means the
translators can use the
group as they work through the Bible.
Vernacular media can include
stories, song, dance, poetry, chant, or other forms of communication, and use
any number of devices for delivery including video, radio, audio players, cell
phones, TV, and the Internet.
Already, 238 individuals have
completed training in vernacular media services, and they have worked in all
continents except Antarctica. Vernacular
media specialists are constantly analyzing the unique characteristics of oral
language communities.
Pray for direction and discernment
as they consider which media options are available and best suited to the
community. Pray, too, that hearts will be ready to receive the hope of