Moldova (MNN) — Little Samaritan Mission's recent visit to
Suhat, Moldova came just in the nick of time.
Two hundred people welcomed the team, and within minutes the entire
village found out that the Little Samaritan Mission team had arrived. Although welcomed for the last four years, the
drought this year had been especially
severe, and the people were suffering its effects.
The team's distribution
of food and gifts from the Face of a Child Project were especially welcome.
A school partner said they were down to less than a week of
food when Little Samaritan's aid and gifts from the "Face of a Child"
came. The principal said, "This is an answer to
our prayers. All the things that we received are important, but the food products
were the most needed. We had food for just one week, and then we didn't know
what would happen. The children found out about this situation, and at breakfast
they asked me if they will have anything to eat for lunch. I knew how desperate
our situation was so I couldn't look them in the eyes. Now I feel relieved. All
the food we received now will last us the entire winter! We will bake bread
with the flour and boil the dry fruits with water. This is a tasty meal for a
hungry child!"
The gifts include Christian literature, but the love that
accompanies them often opens the door for the Gospel. Printing and distributing Christian
literature to orphans, poverty-stricken families, and adults eager to study
God's Word has earned the Little Samaritan Mission an identity as an
organization actively meeting the material needs of the children and the poor, while also proclaiming God's Word.