Iran (MNN) — Yesterday was Red Wednesday, a movement meant to remember and stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world. Cathedrals, churches and monuments in cities across Europe were illuminated red. The movement was begun in 2016 by a Catholic charity called Aid to the Church in Need, which recognizes persecution as a growing danger.
Nazanin Baghestani with Heart4Iran offers a glimpse of the persecuted church in Iran: “The church in Iran is a praying Church. Their number one gift that God has given them is prayer.”
“The church is really thriving, they are strong and they’re preaching the gospel with boldness. Iran is the fast[est] moving underground church in the world.”
Both Christian and Muslim Iranians reach out to Heart4Iran’s call center daily. They are always asking for prayer. Baghestani explains that culturally, Persians believe deeply in prayer.

(Photo courtesy of Heart4Iran)
“They (Muslims) believe that Jesus is a great prophet, [that he] answers prayer, and does miracles. But once they get to know the Lord, that’s when they become prayer warriors,” she says.
That close relationship with God is greatly needed. Iran is ranked number 9 on the World Watch List from Open Doors. Baghestani explains that traditional Christian minorities, such as Armenians or Syrians, are mostly left alone by the government — unless they share the gospel.
“We do have Armenian pastor who is in prison right now because he evangelized to Muslims. That’s the danger. But praise the Lord, as I said, people are bold and courageous by the power of the Holy Spirit, and they do evangelize, and many come to Christ,” she says. “But if a Muslim becomes Christian, that’s totally a different story.”
Christians who were once Muslims may face interrogation, imprisonment, and devastating rejection by their families. Forced marriages are also a terrible reality for some. (More on that here.)
Would you pray for the praying Church?
“We can join in and intercede for them, for their protection and for their needs,” Baghestani says. “It’s hard to get Bible inside the country and distribute it. Pray for all kinds of means that God will [use to] open doors [so] that we can distribute Bibles.”
Learn more about Heart4Iran’s multifaceted ministry here.
Header photo courtesy of Heart4Iran.