D.R. Congo (MNN) — An organization that specializes in pastoral training around the world is mourning the loss of an incredible worker in Africa. The man responsible for the largest pastors’ conference ever in the Democratic Republic of Congo is dead today.
Doctor David Shibley with Global Advance says the death of Michael Mongane is a particularly difficult loss. “He was intentionally poisoned. The facts are still a bit sketchy as to who may have been the perpetrator. There’s no question that he was intentionally poisoned by people who were seeking to buy his influence because he was such a great unifier of the body of Christ in Congo.”
Since he was so influential in Congo, many wanted Mongane to support their cause. Shibley believes that rejection may be the motive. “People to tried to pander to him and to purchase his influence for whatever faction they were a part of. Of course, Michael Mongane was not for sale and as a result when he said ‘no’ to one of these factions he was poisoned.”
While Christians are mourning his death and this temporary setback to God’s work, Shibley is confident. “Michael’s death is going to be very much as God’s Word says ‘like a seed that has gone into the ground’ that is going to bear much fruit. As the church father Tertullian said, ‘The blood of the martyr is the seed of the church.’ And, I am confident that Pastor Mongane’s death and martyrdom is going to produce great growth for the church throughout Congo.”
In the meantime, Shibley is asking Christians to pray. “That the Lord will give us guidance as we work with the church there in Congo (and) for the successor that the Lord would raise up for the work of Global Advance in Congo. Of course, please, every listener to Mission Network News we would be very grateful for your prayers for Pastor Michael Mongone’s family.”
Contributions to help the Mongane his family can be made by clicking on the highlighted link above.