Haiti (MNN) — Natural disasters have hit the Island nation of Haiti hard in recent months. The situation leaves many Haitians frustrated and looking for help. Last week Tropical Storm Jeanne ripped through the country, clobbering the city of Gonaives killing hundreds of people.
The water spared Cap-Haitien, but something else is putting pressure on For Haiti with Love’s work. Fire has damaged part of the Cap-Haitien hospital. For Haiti runs a medical clinic. The fire means more people coming to them for medical treatment.
That’s good and bad. Good in that For Haiti with Love can share the love of Christ with more people. It’s bad in that they don’t have the supplies to meet the needs.
Funding is needed help them purchase medical supplies. Funding is also needed for food.
If you’d like to help For Hait with Love with this outreach, go to their web site, http://www.ForHaitiWithLove.org or call them at (727) 938-3245.