Central African Republic (MNN) — There is a town in the Central African Republic (CAR), called Bossangoa. The people speak the Gbeya language, which is the 647th translation of The “JESUS” Film.
Much of the surrounding area is famous for witchcraft and its many evil practices. Witches cause sickness, suffering, fear and sometimes death. They reportedly kill their victims with spells. Missionaries and national church leaders confirm the practice as a hard reality of Satanism.
Even the government recognizes witchcraft as a threat and has routinely imprisoned many witches. However, jail cells cannot contain their powers and linkage with the demonic. With impunity, they have continued their practices of destruction.
Seeing the evil, a local “JESUS” film team decided the time had come to act. They “soaked” the towns with the gospel, walking from village to village showing “JESUS.” Many witches watched and understood the gospel, as it was presented in their own language. Scores confessed their dark practices and gave their lives to the Lord, receiving His love, forgiveness and freedom from bondage.
The governor of the region was greatly encouraged by what the team had done and the power of the gospel he saw to transform so many lives. He called the film team workers and announced, “I congratulate you because of the miracles that your film is doing among those witches. Now your team and you have the responsibility to preach through your miracle ‘JESUS’ film to all the towns and villages under my supervision.”
The team showed “JESUS” at a new church in the village where 300 people, including the village chief, indicated decisions to accept Jesus and abandon their animistic ways.
Lives have been changed for eternity! Witches have renounced their ways and turned from darkness. At least 18 new churches have been formed following “JESUS” film showings. Hundreds are now being followed up and taught the foundations of their new faith in Christ.
The people of the area now call “JESUS” “The Miracle Film.” This is New Testament discipleship.