India (MNN)–80-million orphans and abandoned children struggle to survive on the streets of India. This desperate situation calls for nothing short of a rescue operation.
These precious children must be given food to eat, a place to live, clothes to wear. They need a Christian education with genuine opportunities to grow. They need, above all, to hear the Good News of Jesus’ love and salvation.
Hopegivers International’s Samuel Thomas has a burden to reach them. But, his children’s homes are now filled to overflowing with orphans. Over 87 Hope Homes caring for the total needs of 8,900 needy children.
In order to reach more, Thomas launched “Operation 10,000 Hopegivers” with a bigger picture in mind. “In order for us to evangelize India, in order for us to evangelize the nation with good leaders, we’ve got to have one million orphans. To reach that stage, we need ten thousand sponsors who would say, “I will sponsor a child. I will be a Hopegiver. I will give a dollar a day to a child.”
Thomas says it’s really a vision of discipleship training. “If they sponsor one child, they can say that, “One of our children is in the Lord’s work.” So, if people can catch that vision, of sponsoring a native missionary from the time they’re young, you can save a nation by saving a child.”
Pray about your involvement. Hopegivers International works to see India transformed through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.