CIS (MNN)–A Slavic Gospel Association church planter working in the Commonwealth of Independent States says ministry is growing.
It’s good news, considering the challenges most believers face in the CIS. The team just held a Christian camp in a local orphanage.
Initially, the plan was to invite several groups of the senior teenagers, 70 teens in all, to the camp. But, they decided to take all the kids, including little ones from 7 years old up to teenagers. That made the headcount around 150 kids and caretakers when all was said and done.
Then came the challenge of making sure they had all the necessary papers for the camp, the most difficult thing to have. The process highlighted the need for good relations with Administrators.
During the camp, the team preached Christ openly to a group largley made up of unchurched children and teens. Aside from the average camp activities, team members daily preached the Gospel in the evening and then talked to kids about life.
At the end, a majority of kids liked the idea of continuing to have meetings and Bible classes throughout the year. Pray the message takes hold.