A Christian relief agency helps Senegal’s flood victims out of the waiting game.

By November 1, 2005

Senegal (MNN)–Senegal has seen its worst rainy season in two decades.

Flooding has made 50,000 people abandon their homes, and adversely affected some 180,000 others.

Makeshift shelters and food sites are not adequately meeting the needs. That means overflow and unofficial campsites are left scrambling to find adequate food, water and medical treatment.

In many of these areas, refuse is dumped into open pits. That provides a breeding ground for disease. The country has also had to confront a long cholera epidemic which has hit more than 25,000 people countrywide.

Food, supplies and medical care has become critical in this region. State help has dried up in many areas still struggling with whole communities underwater.

When nothing else can be done, the survivors move to an unofficial site to wait it out. But the isolation means there is little help coming.

Operation Blessing is focusing their efforts on helping the unofficial sites. Their teams believe they represent the hands and feet of Christ as they meet the physical needs.

So far, OBI has supplied nearly 65 percent of the disaster relief coming from faith-based organizations. Medical teams of OBI-funded doctors arrived to several camps, dispensing medicine to evacuees and treating the sick.

If you’d like to help, contact Operation Blessing using the information listed below.

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