International (MNN) — What if you could not read or write? According to CIA World Factbook, 16% of the world’s population over the age of fifteen cannot read and write at a basic level. How does that speak to you? Would you want to change that percent to zero?
The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) has been serving around the world for more than a century trying to reduce that rate to zero. They have teaching and education ministries internationally which gives them an opportunity to share the Gospel. Ministries include: “Missionary-kid” (MK) schools, seminaries, colleges, and government schools. TEAM states, “We provide opportunities to serve in education settings where a biblical worldview can be expressed and Christ’s love can be demonstrated.”
Education is a powerful tool for empowering people to live more productive lives. With education, one can then ultimately live up to their potential as followers of Christ. To get the message as well as education out to that 16%, TEAM sends out missionaries as teachers. They go to areas that are closed to sharing the Gospel.
Pray that the program will succeed, bringing more people into the family of Christ. If you want to join TEAM or help this ministry continue Christ’s work, click here.