International (BCS) — Every day, vulnerable children around the globe wake up without hope for a better future. Bethany Christian Services provide services that strive to give a voice to the voiceless through international, infant, and foster care adoption; family and post-adoption counseling; and family preservation, to name a few.
God has called all Christians to respond to this great need. There is a need to partner with local churches to care for these children. The Champions for Children ministry was created to offer churches the resources they need to grow their own orphan and adoption ministries.
Each “Champion” works to educate, inform, and inspire others to action so that together believers can accomplish the goal of meeting the needs of vulnerable children around the world. Champions do so by committing to pray; give time, talent, or treasure; and join or start an orphan and adoption ministry in their church.
If you choose to become a Champion, Bethany asks:
1. Be an adult in good standing in your church.
2. Have a passion for helping vulnerable children and families.
3. Have some knowledge about Bethany and be willing to receive training.
4. Speak positively about Bethany’s ministry. (You do not need to be a public speaker.)
5. Keep Bethany informed about your Champion for Children involvements.
6. Have an e-mail address that you use regularly.
As a Champion, you will be equipped to serve your church family by receiving regular prayer updates and educational information. And being part of the Champions for Children ministry will give you access to contacts and tools to help you along the way.
As this ministry continues to reach out to children across the world, pray that many will become a champion for a child. Click here to learn more.