International (MNN) — "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" – Micah 6:8 (NIV).
This is the theme verse for "6:8 Sunday," a day in which acting justly to provide for those in need is celebrated through child sponsorship. The success of the event has been wonderful in the past.
Food for the Hungry advocate Kristin Ramsay explained that after she spoke in front of her church on last year's 6:8 Sunday, three child sponsorships were formed. Other donations were also made which allowed for women in Bangladesh to receive micro-enterprise loans, giving them the chance to start businesses and work their way out of poverty.
Child sponsorship is certainly not a difficult thing to advocate. The difference it makes in a child's life is absolutely transforming, providing basic survival needs, tools for education, and, most importantly, the truth of the Gospel.
Participants in 6:8 Sunday are encouraged to speak in front of their congregation about the importance of child sponsorship. Food for the Hungry provides participants with materials and a DVD to show in church. Participants should also be available at a table before and after services for those who would like to hear more about how to help spread the Gospel and put an end to extreme poverty.
If you have ever experienced the joy of sponsoring a child through any organization, this project is for you. If you would like to participate, contact Food for the Hungry today at 1-800-2-HUNGERS.
To learn more about Food for the Hungry, click here.