Mongolia (MNN) — Next generation church leaders from Russia got out of their comfort zones to help next generation church leaders in Mongolia.
Moscow Director of Russian Ministries Paul Tokarchuk, speaking from Mongolia, was a part of the team. “They had a short-term mission trip here to Mongolia from Siberia. They came here to hold five Bible camps.”
These leaders were all trained at Russian Ministries School without Wall leadership training. Tokarchuk says they teamed up young people going through similar training in Mongolia. “We have two places where we’re holding School without Wall seminars. We have about 50 students.”
20 ethnic Mongolian Christians help organize these five camps, receiving assistance from Russian Christians. Tokarchuk says 450 Mongolian kids participated in the five camps. “All of them heard the Gospel. Part of the program every day we had Bible classes, Bible lesson. Everyone got the basics of the Gospel in their language. Some of them came to Christ.”
While many children gave their hearts to Jesus, Tokarchuk says even a translator was
affected. “One young lady, she said, ‘I’ve never been at that kind of camp. I want to become a Christian. I want to go to church after all I have heard.'”
Tokarchuk says their School Without Walls programs helps provide personnel to run these camp ministries and other outreach events. “Through all of this training that we have every month for more than 2,300 students — they are trained and motivated to be actively working and ministering in their areas.”
There is a concern. Tokarchuk says the lack of male leadership. “There is a lack of men here in the churches. My wish and my prayer through School Without Walls, through this program, is that more men will come to the church.”
That’s why Russian Ministries needs support for the School Without Walls program to train even more people. It costs $48 a month to provide training to each student. That’s not only an investment into their lives, but the lives of the many people they’ll share the Gospel with during that year and the rest of their lives.