Cote d'Ivoire (MNN/FCBH) — Oral tradition marks the 156,000 member We tribe of Cote d'Ivoire.
According to the Joshua Project, nearly 41% of the population is Muslim. Christians make up 34% of the population, and 25% follow ethnic religions. Of the 100,000 We speakers, a majority of them follow the ethnic religions.
The literacy rate among youth under 24 years old is roughly at 67%. About half the older adults are literate.
The tradition of the northern We tribe along with literacy rates mean that telling stories gets their attention. That's precisely what Faith Comes By Hearing hopes to do with this month's release of the We recording.
In the 40 years of ministry, FCBH has amassed a comprehensive catalog of Audio Scriptures, which now features 674 languages.
Since their goal is to record and provide Audio New Testaments in every translated language, that total changes regularly with new additions every month. Ultimately, they hope to be part of fulfilling the Great Commission in this lifetime.
As of today, New Testaments in 92 languages have been added in just the last 12 months. Spoken in virtually every country in the world, these recordings as a whole represent a potential outreach to more than 5 billion people–or in other words, two-thirds of the world's population.
Faith Comes By Hearing offers free access to these Audio Bibles through streaming, downloads, and podcasts, while the Bible.is app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices offers easy access to God's Word. Already the world's largest resource of digital Bible text and audio, this unprecedented access via the Digital Bible Platform continues to expand rapidly.
For those areas that do not yet have regular access to the Internet or mobile devices, the team continues to reach out by providing Audio New Testaments on solar-powered Proclaimers for listening groups. More than 320,000 Proclaimers are literally proclaiming the Gospel around the world.
"The delivery system has never been our focus," states Jerry Jackson, FCBH founder and president. "Whether it be a village listening to a Proclaimer under a tree, a desktop computer, social media, smartphone, smart TV or whatever the delivery system of the future may be, the goal is to give every person the opportunity to hear God's Word in the language they pray in and in a format they can use."
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