Iran (VCM) — A ministry working in Iran recently received an emergency prayer request from a mother whose 32-year-old son has been sentenced to death.
Voice of the Martyrs Canada notes that “Amir” has been in prison for the past two years after he was caught with a truckload of Bibles. On July 23, an execution date for Amir was set for the week of August 11 in punishment for his “crimes” against Islam and the government. Amir’s devastated mother is urgently requesting prayers for the deliverance of her son.
Please pray for Amir and his terribly upset loved ones. Ask God to miraculously deliver him from this death sentence. May the Prince of Peace surround each one of them with His tender loving mercies so that their hearts will be greatly comforted.
Please also pray that the authorities involved in Amir’s case will seek justice on his behalf and ensure that he is treated favorably. May they, along with the inmates incarcerated with Amir, come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
Finally, please also remember in prayer the many other innocent Christian men and women in Iran who are presently suffering tremendous persecution for their faith.
Lord, I pray for Amir that you will bring him out of this prison for your names sake. May Christ be glorified through this terrible situation. I pray for peace and comfort for his Mother. I pray for the many believers in Iran that are facing awful persecution. I pray all this in the strong name of JESUS.
Father, we ask that you send angels to make an ”encampment around those who fear HIm (such as Amir), to deliver them..” (Psalm 34:7). We claim that promise for him, give Amir supernatural peace, and favor with the prison guards, wardens, local authorities, police and the national gov’t (Council of Guardians), Under Your authority, we bind the forces of darkness arrayed against Him, and ask for his release, and that Your will be done. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Father in heaven, we pray Amir will be set free as in Acts 12. May the Muslims forsake the allah of the quran. In Jesus’ mighty name. amen.
Brother Amir,
May the Lord walk you through his path. Although, it is a narrow path but ends up to a place where you will feel his presence more than ever. Either on this planet or in heaven but the Lord our Christ and his peace upon you.
Your brother in Christ,
Father, in Jesus’s Name, please release Amir and thru this event, bring many more Iranians to Christ.
Father, please stop Amir’s execution. Please allow Amir to be released and be protected from further harm. For Amir and all Iranian Christians and those suffering in Iran for naming The Name of Christ, such as Pastor Saeed Abedini, I pray that you will put a hedge of protection around them mentally, physically, and spiritually. Please open the eyes of the people and leaders of Iran, that they may reject the false god know as allah and believe on Jesus Christ as God and Saviour. In Christ’s Name I pray, amen.
Colossians 2 – 14:15
Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross, having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it…Amen
Our Savior Jesus, as the Bible says is the only wise God in heaven, He set Mariam free from Sudan, He will surely set our brother Amir free as well. All those who read this post, please claim Col 2- 14:15 over Amir’s life, this promise worked for me in the case of Mariam, it will surely work again as His word is Spirit and life…Amen