North Korea (MNN) — As war drums pound loudly in the foreground of daily news reports, Trans World Radio (TWR) is sending a message of peace and hope to North Korea.
With threats of the nation's nuclear firepower dominating headlines worldwide, TWR is increasing its programming in North Korea. Of the 24 million people in the country today, only about 1.7% are Christian according to joshuaproject.com. And because religion is viewed as a threat to the national ideology, it is nearly impossible to meet regularly for fellowship.
This is where TWR comes in. Every week, the media ministry broadcasts several hours of gospel programming from Guam to North Korea. Lately, TWR has seen a need to add three new programs in response to the spiritual needs of North Korea.
The programs will deliver in-depth Bible teaching and systematic theological training to Christian's and house church leaders. TWR is striving to raise additional funding to put the three new programs on the air.
The ministry is working to build financial support for what it calls the North Korea Project and counter the swirling rumors of war as it tells and retells the story of the God-man who taught His followers to "love your enemies."
One North Korean listener wrote, "TWR's Korean broadcasts help me keep the faith and understand God's Word more and more. I never forget you and your team in my prayers, as you are serving God by broadcasting His Word to us, day and night…. Please do not stop these programs, for they give us the hope of God."
Pray that God will give strength to the believers in North Korea. Ask God to use TWR to bring more people to the Kingdom of God. Pray for the safety of everyone involved in this ministry.