Haiti (MNN) — Most people resolve to “shrink” in the New Year. They outline weight loss aspirations and sign up for gym memberships.
Starfysh is a little different. Growth is their goal for 2015. Founder Steve Edmondson says 2015 is a vital year for their ministry in Haiti.
“We’ve reached a critical mass,” Edmondson states. “We need to move beyond a briefcase and a home office. We need to move so that God can take it to the next level.”
Since its inception in 2010, God has used Starfysh to do amazing things on the tiny Haitian island of La Gonave.
In 2014 alone, they accomplished the following:
- Progress toward being recognized by Haiti as an official NGO (non-government organization).
- Completion and full outfitting of an RMDU (Remote Mobile Dental Unit).
- Installation of bio-sand water filters in three villages.
- Delivery of nearly 2,000 banana trees to island farmers.
Began work on Life Garden, an agricultural research and demonstration farm.
- Hired a full-time agriculturalist as Life Garden project director.
- Began an aggressive program of planting, harvesting, and distributing moringa.
- Growth of Starfysh school in the village of Makochon.
- Added two grades: now pre-K through 5th grade.
- Facilitated village’s purchase of land for future new school build.
- Continued teacher training and Creole-language resources.
- Hosted many work teams (over 100 guests!) at their base-of-operations.
- Added a solar powered projection system that can present the “JESUS” film to up to 500 people at a time.
“The over-arching narrative for 2014 is ‘God’s provision through us and for us,'” shares Edmondson.
“Ours is a story of ‘Little is much when God is in it,’ and ‘His strength is made perfect in our weakness.'”
The Grand Rapids, Michigan-based doctor says even bigger things are lined up for 2015.
“We’re just going to grow beyond the bedroom office, so to speak, into a more on-the-ground, effective organization that can grow our projects,” Edmondson states.
You play a critical role in making it all happen. Surround Starfysh with prayer, and click here if you’d like to help financially.
“We can always use financial gifts,” Edmondson says.
“But really, if we received nothing but people on our side petitioning heaven for us, that would be the most awesome gift.”