China (MNN) — Some Christians say, “If you follow the rules, you can distribute Bibles in China.” Others say, “Millions of Bibles are printed in China. They don’t need Bibles brought in.” Still others suggest the need for Bibles is great. Which is it? Actually, all of the above!.
President of Vision Beyond Borders Patrick Klein just returned from China. He says they need Bibles. “They estimate that the church needs 40-50 million Bibles just for Christians who don’t have a Bible right now.”
What about those who say, “If you follow the rules, you can distribute Bibles in China?” That’s true, but only go where the government tells you to go.
What about the millions of Bibles that are printed in China? “They say they’re cranking out 8 million Bibles a month, which is true. But what they don’t tell you is that they’re printing Bibles for all over. So they give you the impression that they’re printing 8 million Bibles a month. There’s a small percentage of those Bibles being produced for the believers in China, but those are available in the big cities.”
Klein says rural areas are desperate for Bibles. “[China] says they’re wide open, but they’re not. And there are some Bibles available, but they’re not meeting the needs.”
There are two ways for you to help get Bibles into China, and it can be risky. “We need more people to come and help us carry Bibles. We need for people to be praying that the borders would be open, so we can get more Bibles in.”
Klein says carrying Bibles to distribute doesn’t come without some risk. “When I was there a week and a half ago, part of our team members were stopped and Bibles were confiscated. So, for a country that’s saying they’re open and Bibles are freely available, why are they stopping them at the border?”
VBB also needs people to support their work. If you’re feeling called to do that, click here.
I really feel a calling to help get bibles to China, how can i help ?
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for taking the next step to answering the needs. You can contact several organizations to help. Here are two to start with: