Asia (MNN) — Who would have thought a rooster and a hen would help proclaim the Gospel in Asia? Who would have thought the dream of a young girl would accomplish that?
Gospel for Asia reports Xiaoyun (pronounced Shou-yeen) was born in China with a very severe case of scoliosis. She needed surgery, but because she was in foster care for many years, there seemed to be no hope of getting the help she needed. Days away from becoming 14-years-old and no longer eligible for adoption, a couple from America officially made her part of their family. Now little Xiaoyun had the chance to begin a journey of healing with a loving family by her side.
Xiaoyun had to undergo multiple surgeries for her scoliosis. But during her recovery period, she wasn't thinking only of herself — she began talking about buying a million chickens for poor children in Asia. Why? She discovered that for a donation of only $11, a family in Asia could be blessed with a pair of chickens. By producing both eggs and offspring, chickens can provide food, income and hope for the future.
Xiaoyun says, "God says we are supposed to help those in need. How often do people go and buy new clothes? $11 is not a big deal. $11 can provide chickens for the families in Asia, so they have not only food but also an income from selling any excess eggs that are produced."
Xiaoyun adds, "I want to raise enough money to buy one million chickens for the children in Asia. Will you please help me make a difference in these families lives? Through our efforts, many in Asia will hear the Good News of Christ's love. Let's do this together."
For a poor family in Asia, a rooster and hen are not pets. They are the source of up to 40 dozen eggs a year. When the pair produces chicks, a flock results which will provide nourishment and income for years. At only $11 a pair, chickens are a simple, inexpensive way to impact a family.
You can help with your $11 dollar gift. Click here.