Nigeria (MNN) — Late last week in Nigeria, three Christian villages were attacked and at least 100 villagers were killed. Thousands of our brothers and sisters are murdered in Nigeria every year. These attacks range from religious persecution to disputes between neighbors. Is something being done?
E3 Partners is asking you to pray, highlighting the story on their Facebook page, 8thirty8.
According to the Associated Press, the people behind the attacks in Kaduna are Fulani Muslim herders–a people often in conflict with Christians in this area. Chenshyi village chief says that their pastor’s wife and children are among the 50 dead in his village. The entire village in the south was destroyed by fire and looting. The AP assigns the cause of the conflict to be disputes over land and water.
The other two villages attacked were Ugwar Sankwai and Ungwan Gata. Most of the dead were too badly burned to identify. BBC News reports that often conflicts in central Nigeria are due to religious disputes as well. These attacks, however, are not connected to the Boko Haram. Thousands of murders in recent years are attributed to the Fulani community alone. BBC reports that this attack came one day after reports came through of another attack. The previous assault occurred in the Katsina state: 69 people were murdered by dozens of armed men who arrived on motorbikes.
The AP says that the Southern Kaduna Indigenes Progressive Forum blamed the government for not taking action. Who do you go to for help when the entity that is supposed to protect you allows these violent encounters to continue again and again?
Please join E3 in asking God for the safety of our fellow believers. Nigeria is one of the countries that E3 works in to share the Gospel; the violence hits close for many reasons. Click HERE for a list of daily prayers.
This is their prayer for this specific time:
Lord, thank You that Your children are turning the other cheek and not retaliating. Comfort them during these horrendous times. Let Your light shine through them. May Your love compel the Fulani herdsmen. Bring change to this country!
Sending prayers up for my persecuted brothers and sisters!
May d Lord rise for His people
When will all these killing of Innocent and Harmless Christians end in Nigeria? God Help Nigeria!