USA (MNN) — There's nothing
like unwrapping $10 worth of socks for Christmas, right?
For some kids, getting
their own, clean, brand-new socks is exactly what they want. Some kids who are recipients of their first
pair of shoes from the Buckner International Shoes for Orphan Souls program
have no socks to their name.
According to The State of the World's Children as reported
by UNICEF, there are 148 million orphans around the world. Orphanages do
not receive enough funding to support the children in their care. Shoes
and socks are a low priority compared to food and shelter; however, no shoes
likely means no school.
Through the Shoes for Orphan Souls program, kids
not only get the shoes, they also get new socks. And that can provide an opportunity
for school and much more.
Buckner International says $10 means their ministry teams
can distribute 10 pairs of socks to children in need.
But the same $10 can do
much more. $10 provides school supplies for an
eager student to learn basic reading and writing skills in a Buckner-supported
educational environment around the world.
It can help feed a family
for a week, or provide a months' worth of diapers. $10 can buy gifts for a child on a
special occasion and help spread smiles all over the world.
Ten dollars can provide nursing and pharmaceutical supplies for
the clinics where Buckner provides medical care. It can help provide transportation and
clothing for these children. All of these things pave the way for those who are
acting as the hands and feet of Christ to share what the love of God has
changed in their lives.
Buckner International takes James
1:27 to heart. This passage forms the foundation
of all of their work: "True and undefiled religion is this: to minister to
widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the
Buckner teams work tirelessly to
improve the lives of at-risk children and their families as they seek to change
lives in the name of Jesus Christ. You
can help too. $10 is worth a world of