Uncharted Ministries is inspiring the Body of Christ to rise up and join the new great awakening among Jews and Muslims in the Middle East and in uncharted territories around the world.
A Movement in the Middle East
While the media is obsessed with headline-grabbing bad news from the Middle East, the Real Story is this: more Muslims have come to faith in Christ in the last 10 years than in the last 14 centuries. More Jews have come to embrace Jesus as Messiah in the last 20 years than in the last 2,000 years.
We Are Telling Their Stories
Team Uncharted is privileged to tell personal stories of the persecuted believers we serve in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and beyond. By hearing their stories, we in the Western Church are spurred on to stand with, pray for, encourage, and learn from the victorious saints who suffer for Christ as a normal result of following Him.