MNN’s Katey Hearth talks with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India’s Lyndsay Ackerman about illiteracy and a woman with two names.
Rody Rodenhaver with IN Network discusses Christmas and the needs of children worldwide with MNN’s Katey Hearth.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer interviews AMG International’s Tasos Ioannidis about Greece’s financial crisis and its impact on ministry.
MNN’s Katey Hearth talks with Tiffany Taylor of Orphan Outreach about Orphan Sunday.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer and Wycliffe Associates President Bruce Smith discuss technology and its implications for religious freedom.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer interviews Voice of the Martyrs’ spokesman Todd Nettleton about the changes coming in Egypt’s Coptic Church.
MNN’s Greg Yoder talked with Dr. Tom Farr about the U.S. Presidential Election and how there is a clear decision at the polls when it comes to religious freedom in the U.S.
TouchGlobal Director Mark Lewis tells MNN’s Katey Hearth what an approaching winter storm means for the survivors of Hurricane Sandy.
Ron Hutchcraft talks to MNN’s Greg Yoder about Hurricane Sandy as he ‘happened’ to be in New Jersey as the storm hit.