MNN’s Lyndsey Gammage talks to Tom Dudenhofer with Audio Scripture Ministries about the flooding they’re dealing with in Xai Xai, Mozambique that displaced 150,000 and killed 40.
MNN’s Katey Heart talks to Greg and Diane Dekker about their work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Multilingual Education.
Paul Darilek talks with MNN Lyndsey Gammage about Living Water International’s new WASH Program.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer interviews AMG’s Fotis Romeos about the developing crises facing Greece.
Worldwide Christian Schools’ Steve Geurink talks to MNN’s Ruth Kramer about the expansion of the Educational Care program.
Woolford tells MNN’s Greg Yoder about their expansion into Nigeria and black market Bibles.
Jerry Dykstra of Open Doors USA discusses North Korea’s latest moves with MNN’s Katey Hearth.
MNN’s Ruth Kramer speaks with Erik Burklin of China Partner about how changes in China are impacting believers.
MNN’s Katey Hearth talks to Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association to hear about their recent mission trip to Ukraine ministering to orphans through their Immanuel’s Child outreach.
Terry Reed with New Tribes Mission tells MNN’s Katey Hearth about a miracle in Mexico.